BTM Promotions

Full information about Establishment BTM Promotions at 23 Bellini Close, Waterloo, Liverpool, Waterloo, England L21 4PL. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


23 Bellini Close, Waterloo, Liverpool, Waterloo, England L21 4PL
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Phone number:
+44 7868 434112



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BTM Promotions

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Tommy Brandt Ministries
Tommy Brandt is a gifted singer/songwriter who has spent the last ten years touring the country spreading his down home message of faith, hope, and love through music, testimony and stories about his own life. In that time he has become a leader in his field winning multiple Inspirational Country Music Awards including “New Artist of the Year” in 2004 and “Male Vocalist of the Year” four times. He also was honored by the Christian Music Hall of Fame in 2010 with a “Visionary Award” for his contributions to
Cowboy preacher,Christian country singer,inspirational country singer,Christian country songwriter,inspirational country songwriter,Christian Country Music,Inspirational Country Music,clean country music,cowboy evangelist,country gospel singer,country gospel songwriter,country gospel songs,Christian country songs,inspirational country songs,Christian music producer, Cowboy preacher,Christian country singer,inspirational country singer,Christian country songwriter,inspirational country songwriter,Christian C

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